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Who knew that flying a kite could mean so much!
Children's Aid Society Foundation Logo

Kites and children have gone hand in hand for years. Travel to the beach and you see children of all ages flying kites of many different shapes, sizes, and varieties. Their faces always tell a story – enjoyment, determination, frustration, accomplishment, and disappointment. Often they are working with a parent, brother, sister, or friend to get their kite in the air and to keep it flying.

Little do these children know that in addition to plain old fun, how much kite flying can teach them in preparation for life. There is the science associated with kite flying along with "engineering" when you attempt to put a kite of many pieces together. Relationship lessons abound – working as a team, sharing, and helping others. Many of the personal lessons mirror life such as handling disappointment and success, problem solving, sticking with the challenge, and setting new goals.

Much like kite flying in the tale above, our Foundation works to help children grow, develop, learn, and enjoy life – "enhancing the lives of children". We do this by developing and distributing resources to programs which provide opportunities for children to experience “kite flying” in their lives. Programs, which educate children, teach social and relationship skills, promote health and wellness, and encourage children to reach their potential and aspire toward their goals.